We were pleased with the many strong member entries in 2021 and look forward to continuing this feature as a benefit of your TAAHP membership. Our goal is to tell the world about the Texas affordable housing industry’s successful contribution to jobs and economic development while providing quality affordable housing for Texans with limited incomes and special needs.
YOU are a huge part of the success the State of Texas has experienced over the past 30 years and we want to showcase your hard work in the 2022 Texas Affordable Housing Magazine. If you would like to access a copy of the 2021 Texas Affordable Housing Magazine click here (or visit https://texashousingconference.org/texas-affordable-housing-magazine/)
We have two requirements for your submissions:
- You must provide high-resolution interior and exterior professional photography (40% to 50% of the high-resolution photos must include photos of your residents).
- Submit professionally written stories
Professionally written stories with high-quality photography are the key criteria to being selected for a two to three-page feature.
If you are interested in taking part in this opportunity, send the information we have included in the Submission Checklist below to Naomi Bludworth at [email protected] by Friday, April 29th at 5:00 pm. We ask that you stick to the guidelines and template provided below in order to ensure consistency of the information received and published.
Your contribution to the 2022 Texas Affordable Housing Magazine is appreciated. The magazine will enjoy a shelf life far beyond the Texas Housing Conference in July 2022. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to call Kristi Sutterfield at 512-983-6696. Thank you for your continued support of TAAHP and the Texas Housing Conference. We look forward to welcoming you to Austin July 25-27, 2022.
Not a TAAHP member? Join now at https://members.taahp.org/membership-information